Amnon’s Journey Of Self-Improvement - Ahuzat Yeladim Boarding School, Haifa

Amnon came to Ahuzat Yeladim determined to improve his life, the journey he took from there is heartwarming.


Amnon* is an intelligent and talented youth. This is his fourth year at Ahuzat. He arrived at the Ahuzat Yeladim dorms with a complex history of family estrangement and unstable housing. His life was very unstable as a result of foster care placement break downs, and a six month stay in emergency housing prior to coming to Ahuzat.  

Amnon is determined to improve his life. He is discovering previously unknown talents. He is excelling in his physical fitness classes which are helping tremendously.  His social skills and self-esteem. 

Because of his troubled past and the fact that his parents abandoned him Amnon learned to mistrust adults and the system in general. Much of the support and therapy that he receives at Ahuzat centres on teaching him to trust again. This is the main focus of his therapy. As a result of the therapies he is receiving, he is beginning to gain confidence, learning how to trust, and is functioning much better now. 

Because of his progress, the staff suggested that he was appropriate to participate in the heritage trip to Poland, a program which he never would have attended if not for the support of Ahuzat Yeladim.

About a year ago, he began to attend a school outside of the Ahuzat Yeladim campus. This school has small classes which meets his needs. He is excelling there. 

Amnon has received psychotherapy once a week for the past 4 years, ever since he arrived at Ahuzat.

Amnon's connections with his entire family are extremely problematic. During the first few years that he was at Ahuzat, he did not go home on weekends, but remained in the Shabbat house. Visits to his father and to an uncle were very infrequent. Even today, his father shows very limited interest in having a relationship with his son. Amnon has sister, but has no contact with her.

For the past 3 years, his mother has come to Ahuzat Yeladim for parenting sessions on a weekly basis. After many years of estrangement, she agreed that Amnon come to visit her for the weekend. Their relationship is beginning to improve, but there are still challenges and a long way to go.

Amnon is looking forward to joining the IDF, and attends a special pre IDF program called "Acharai". He is working hard at improving his mental and physical condition so that he will be accepted into an elite unit. He has already begun his recruitment process and participated in a team building activity in preparation for service in an elite unit which he completed successfully. In July he will enlist into an IDF Engineer Corps Reconnaissance Unit.

Amnon thinks about his upcoming enlistment a lot. He knows that he will have many challenges as he takes on difficult military training with no family supports. At the same time however, he is very focused on his future and succeeding.

Once he joins the army, he will fall into the category of a "lone soldier", and will be entitled to an apartment and other benefits which Israeli soldiers in his situation (with no family supports) receive.