WIZO Raya Jaglom Multipurpose Day Care Centre in Tel Aviv
The Daycare Centre was inaugurated in 1972.
Located right in the heart of Tel Aviv, this is one of the city’s most popular Day Care Centres. Named after World WIZO’s longest serving President, this Centre cares for over 100 children, from 6 months to 4 years. With WIZO Australia’s support, recent renovations have provided safe, state of the art playgrounds, complete with art-inspired fencing, and sun awnings. Modernised interiors and a new kitchen help create a warm, learning environment.
WIZO’s main objective is to create a high quality, comprehensive support system model that focuses on the interaction of children and parents. Care-givers and allied professionals help the parents develop skills for taking care of their children at home, thus preventing the disintegration of the family unit.
This Multipurpose Day Care Centre is open from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 pm catering for the needs of at-risk children often suffering from neglect and abuse. The Ministry of
Welfare and Local Government authorities work in close cooperation with the WIZO staff at this Centre to ensure the needs of the children are met in the most effective manner.