Adrienne Walters
Adrienne Walters joined WIZO in Perth after a visit to Israel and wanted to assist in fundraising for the benefit of the country. She became an active and committed member of WIZO Yaffa.
Adrienne became State President of WIZO WA in 1976, through to 1979. She became involved in organizing the Mother Goose Competition and the Queen Competition with JNF. She also was involved in drafting the WIZO Constitution.
Always generous with her time and energy, Adrienne was a charming hostess to the many interstate and Israeli dignitaries from WIZO and always organized functions to enable the membership to meet them.
Adrienne organized the visit to Perth of WIZO World President, Aya Dinstein. It was during this visit to Australia that Aya Dinstein offered Australian WIZO the responsibility of Ahuzat Yeladim which was enthusiastically accepted. Although her group is no longer active, Adrienne continues to support WIZO through her many activities and is a dedicated and generous member.