World WIZO 28th EGM

Anat Vidor - President World WIZO

10 January 2024

The 28th World WIZO Enlarged General Meeting proved to be extremely successful.  Over 500 WIZO members, from around the world, joined the  EGM, Enlarged General Meeting, on Zoom or the first time in history.

Anat Vidor, Past President of WIZO NSW, was elected as the new World WIZO President, following in the footsteps of Esther Mor, who served as President for the past 8 years.  Esther was honoured for her great contributions to WIZO and was bestowed he title of Honorary Life President.

We wish Anat a hearty Mazeltov and good luck, we look forward to her bringing her energy, passion and vision to this new leadership role.

Mazeltov to the newly elected World WIZO Executive and to Esther Mor on being honoured as an Honorary Life President of World WIZO.


Paulette Cherny OAM


UN Special Session